About Us

HeartDriven Music

HeartDriven Music is a Christian music collective with a passion to share God's heart through original songs of faith, hope and love.

Their debut album, First Love, was released in 2007, featuring songs like 'The Offer' which won first prize in Virtuoso 2009, Singapore's inter-varsity songwriting competition. Their second album, Response, was released in 2011, featuring songs across various genres of music which question the status quo in society and speak of an unshakeable hope in a world of uncertainty.

Check out their latest album Fig Tree | Victory!

HeartDriven Music has been featured in:
• Salt&Light (Fig Tree, One, Postcard Collection)
The Encounter
Amplify Studios


Why HeartDriven?

The heart of the matter… is the matter of the heart. Through our music, HeartDriven hopes to draw listeners to deeper reflection about what truly drives them, to discover afresh God’s presence and inspire worship of God in the midst of their daily lives.

To be HeartDriven is to be in pursuit of the heart of God. It is a worship and prayer movement for God, to raise up sons and daughters after His own heart – with hearts that are fully yielded to Him.

In the face of trial, may we be found faithful. In the face of failure, may we be found repentant. In times of crisis, may our hearts reveal who Christ is. May our hearts delight in the Lord, such that the desires of our hearts bring about His purposes in our world.