

Today, we invite you to Begin With Love. Consider how the same God who created the universe chose to lay aside his glorious majesty and come down to earth for you. He did not appear as a king, but chose to be born as a baby in an obscure stable. He who is limitless, almighty and powerful made a conscious decision to become flesh; to be constrained in human form - just so that he could walk alongside his beloved creation and go thorugh the same struggles with them. He mingled and ate with the outcasts of society. Even though he was without fault, he chose to take the punishment for your sin. He was mocked, shamed and publicly humilated. He was tortured and crucified on the cross. he died the most painful death imaginable, hurt and deniced by the very ones he came to save.

And he did all this, because he loves you.

But he did not remain dead. He came back to life on the third day, so that you may be released from the clutches of sin. If you have messed up, God is giving you a second chance. The Gift that he is offering to you is his love. All you have to do is revieve it in simple faith.

What is your RESPONSE?